The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) António Guterres has said he "strongly condemns" the rocket attack on Thursday on 2200 members of the Iranian opposition in Camp Liberty, near Baghdad.

"This is a most deplorable act, and I am greatly concerned at the harm that has been inflicted on those living at Camp Liberty," said High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres. "Every effort must continue to be made for the injured and to identify and bring to account those responsible."

Source: http://www.unhcr.org/56327fef6.html

Sen. John McCain

STATEMENT BY SENATOR JOHN McCAIN ON ATTACK ON CAMP LIBERTY Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement on the attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq this week, which has reportedly killed over 20 people:

“Yesterday’s senseless and unprovoked attack on Camp Liberty that reportedly killed over 20 residents and injured dozens more is an outrage and represents a betrayal of the civilians the United States committed to protect. The Government of Iraq should provide immediate medical and emergency assistance to the victims of the attack and render every effort to ensure the recovery of those injured.


Calling For Help...

Following the September 2013 massacre against Camp New Iraq, the UNHCR encouraged all Member States to join international efforts and accept the residents by placing forward a long-term plan. (UNHCR Statement)

The countries of Germany, the United Kingdom, Norway, Albania, Italy, Finland and other European Union states began accepting these refugees. Albania, despite its limited financial resources, accepted a large portion of these residents. This country showed the utmost generosity by housing another 1,900 other Camp Liberty residents on its soil. All relocation project expenses paid has burdened the humanitarian associations and the residents’ families in Europe and the United States.

Mayor Francois Legaret and Jean Pierre Bequet visiting residents

Albanian MPs & members of two parties visit residents